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Summer Olympics Family Fun: Track & Field at Home

Author: D1 Training

Summer Olympics Family Fun: Track & Field at Home

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

(Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash)

The Olympics. A time when families across the globe tune in to watch the world’s greatest athletes compete to bring home a medal for their country. It is a time of competition, suspense, and grit. It is also a time of celebration, unification, and sportsmanship. There are seldom moments where the world can truly put aside their differences and compete together on the national stage, and everyone wants to watch! But what if you could do more than watch? Just because the Olympics celebrate our greatest athletes, does not mean that you can’t bring the fun of the games into your own home. There are plenty of games you can play with friends and family while you watch the Summer Olympics. So, lace up, and get the competition started!

PRO TIP: Be sure to stretch before getting started. Even Olympians need a good warm-up before performing! Warming up the body is the best way to prevent injury.

Track and Field has loads of events that easily translate to the backyard. Go outside, set the distance, and race your friends and family. With the least amount of setup, this event is a great start to an entire day of competition. You can add obstacles, jump hurdles, or whip out a timer and race individually for the best time. Host several events at different distances, and don’t forget to make teams for relay races! A partner relay is a solid option or create teams of up to four runners. Use a cut-up pool noodle or an empty paper towel roll as your baton and go for it! Teamwork is important in the Olympics. There is likely not one Olympian who will say they got to where they are on their own.

Track and Field is not limited to running. How about some Shot Put? Find something that can be thrown a great distance, cannot roll, and isn’t too heavy. A beanbag from a cornhole kit or even a pair of rolled up socks will do the trick. Lay out the tape measure and see how far each person can throw. Got a frisbee? Learn the wind up of Discus, and see who can toss the frisbee the farthest distance.

Fencing is a captivating Summer Olympic sport. The quick movements and unpredictability make the action stand out from others. And you can do it at home! Grab yourself some black tee shirts and white chalk, and you have what you need to fence. Have your competitors line up across from one another. The first person to land a mark on the other’s shirt receives one point. First to three wins. This at-home event is sure to raise that competitive edge and probably give you some laughs along with it.

An important thing to remember is that not all Olympic sports are solo competitions! Throw a team-oriented sport into the day’s schedule of events. Basketball, soccer, or rugby are great options, or if you have a pool, you can play water polo!

When the fun and games are over, then what? No Olympic competition is complete without a closing ceremony! Keep track of your winners throughout the competition and tally them until you have your medalists.

Medals can be fun, and easy to make. Rummage your craft supplies or head to your local crafts store for ribbons, bows, or anything you think could work as a winner’s token. You can buy plastic medals or make your own out of small paper plates. The options are limitless! Add to the honors with gold, silver and bronze-colored cups for your winners.

Speaking of dinner, you can make that Olympic themed too! Pick some dishes that come from your home country or country you’d love to visit. Or, since Paris is hosting the Summer Olympics this year, try some French entrees. After a long day of competition, a good meal with your friends and family is the perfect way to wind down and watch the real closing ceremony take place in Paris.

Friendly competition is a great way to pull the best out of people. It can create memories, lift spirits, and challenge people to give it their all, even if it’s just for fun. The Olympics is a worldwide spectacle, but there is no reason the spirit of it can’t be found in your own backyard. An Olympic themed competition and party is the perfect way to celebrate both your national champions, and the champions in your own home.