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The Perfect Post-Workout Sandwich

Author: D1 Training

Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash

When it comes to physical training, nutrition is as important as the workout. The food that you put in your body will have a direct correlation to your physical performance. Knowing what’s needed to fuel your workout is one thing, but planning your post-workout meal is equally as important. Sometimes it is as simple as treating yourself to a hearty sandwich. The great thing about sandwiches is they are customizable to any taste, with ingredients that can be readily available, and they are typically completely portable. Plus, you may not even have to cook! Today we’re going to give you some tips on what to include in the perfect post-workout sandwich.

First, we need to learn what our bodies may need after a great workout. When you're physically active, your body burns fuel to give you energy. Typically, our body’s favorite type of fuel is glycogen. So, we need to pick ingredients for our sandwich that are aimed towards regenerating glycogen, and quickly. The two most important components we need are carbs and protein.

Note* You should always check with your physician before making changes to your workout or dietary routines. The advice given in this post is for a generalized audience and may not pertain to individual situations.


It’s a popular misconception that carbs are bad for you, especially for those on a weight loss program. Carbs, or carbohydrates, are what give us energy every day. When we eat them, our bodies break down carbs in glucose, which is then used to fuel the rest of the cells in our bodies. Now the misconception about carbs comes from the fact that in their most basic form, they fall under the category of sugars. Yes, large quantities of sugar can be unhealthy, but with the proper portions and the proper type of carbs (sugars), these little macros give you the power to perform, or for the purposes of this post – recover. The key is to stay away from simple carbs, like sweets, and consume complex carbohydrates like those found in whole foods.

Let’s bookend our sandwich with carbs. Carbs make up many different types of bread, grain products, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, etc. For our sandwich, a good chunk of our carbs will be found in the bread we use. A whole grain bread will add nutrients and fiber to our meal.


The next most important part of our sandwich is protein. Proteins are built from amino acids, which all work together to repair the body. When we work out, our muscles stretch and tear, requiring them to be rebuilt. As our muscles heal, these tears are filled with new tissue, which is what causes our muscles to become bigger and stronger. Protein is the necessary component that makes all this possible, so we’re going to want a lot of it.

Proteins are found in meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. The average recommended amount of protein in a post-workout meal is anywhere between 15 and 20 grams, though for some, including some active women over 40, thirty to 70 grams is recommended. Again, be sure and consult your physician. For vegetarian and vegan athletes, there are plenty of plant-based high protein options. Tofu or tempeh are two great alternatives to meat. Both are soybean based and contain the same number of amino acids that your body needs. Additional options include seitan, sunflower hache, beans, and seeds, as well as protein-rich vegetables like dark leafy greens, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts. A simple google search will offer a complete list of plant-based protein options.

And speaking of vegetables, load ‘em up! Veggies add fiber and nutrients to any type of sandwich with minimal calories.


Like sugar, all fats are not created equal. Healthier fats like avocado, eggs, seed and nut butters, and olive oil complement any sandwich and round out the macronutrients needed post-workout. Trans fats, and saturated fats should be avoided. Customization of your sandwich is up to you. If all macronutrients (proteins, carbs, fats) are accounted for, we’re on the right track.

The food we put into our bodies is as important as any workout. Eating the correct things will allow the body to recover faster and feed the body the energy it needs to perform at the same level the following day. What kind of sandwiches will you make for your post-workout meal? The combinations are endless and just about anyone can build one. Thanks to the sandwich, we have few excuses not to fuel our bodies properly after we exercise.