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Training Tips Done Right with D1: Lateral Change of Direction

Have you ever watched a football game and seen a player change direction on a dime? That isn’t a skill that comes without practice. Turns out (pardon the pun) there are drills to help develop the skill of lateral change of direction.

Thanks to the coaching team at D1 Training Alexandria, here are three steps to help you sharpen this skill. Read through all the steps and watch the video before attempting to complete this series of exercises.

  1. Get stronger in your lateral movements like the lateral lunge demonstrated in this video.
  2. Incorporate more lateral jumps into your program, like the one demonstrated in the video utilizing a medicine ball.
  3. Perform resisted sprints and shuffles in different planes, utilizing bands.
  4. Be intentional. Sprint and change direction with maximum intent.
  5. Get external feedback and keep it competitive to increase motivation.

Most athletes aren’t naturally as quick as they could be. It takes practice and consistent strength, speed, and agility training.

Training safely, efficiently, and for maximum desired results are all part of the D1 Difference. D1 Training is The Place for the Athlete®, ideal for anyone at any level who has a fitness goal. D1 facilities are known for their world-class coaching team, training tips, and 5 Star Training Program.