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Training Tips Done Right with D1: Hip Mobility

Author: D1 Training

Often when people think of hip injuries, or “bad hips,” they think of older athletes, or people who aren’t active at all. The truth is any person of any age can struggle with tight hips. Better hip flexor mobility helps athletes perform at their best during just about any sport, including running, soccer, football, and weightlifting. Plus, by adding a circuit of hip flexor mobility exercises to your routine, you’ll go a long way toward preventing injury.

In this video, Coach Keem from D1 Training Bergen County shows us the best way to loosen up our hips. Watch and learn as he walks us through a circuit of hip flexor mobility exercises.

  1. Hip Stretch
    1. You’ll need a pad or mat to kneel on, plus a vertical barbell anchored with three plates, or enough plates to elevate your non-kneeling foot, to complete this exercise. Note* It’s okay to start slowly on a level surface and work your way up as needed.
    2. Kneel on the pad/mat with both knees
    3. While holding onto the barbell, slowly move your left knee out to the side and forward until you can plant your foot on the plates (or ground if not using plates).
    4. Slowly lunge forward to stretch
    5. Return knee to starting position
    6. Alternate.
    7. Repeat three times on each side for three sets
  2. Hip Flexor
    1. You’ll need a kettle bell or dumbbell
    2. Sit with your back flat up against a wall and legs straight out
    3. Place the kettle bell/dumbbell on the floor next to your calf.
    4. Raise one leg up, over the kettle bell/dumbbell, and back down to the floor.
    5. Reverse the movement to get back to starting position.
    6. Switch legs.
    7. Repeat five times on each leg for three sets
  3. Lateral Duck Under
    1. You’ll need a barbell on a rack
    2. Stand so the barbell is on your right side, placed a little above waist height (or at a comfortable height for you, for this exercise)
    3. Perform a lateral squat while ducking under the bar to the right, and then back to the left. You don’t need to fully stand at the end of each movement.
    4. Repeat five on each leg for three sets

A quick hip flexor mobility circuit is an excellent way to complement your workout and can make a world of difference in your athletic performance and everyday life.

Training safely, efficiently, and for maximum desired results are all part of the D1 Difference. D1 Training is The Place for the Athlete®, ideal for anyone at any level who has a fitness goal. D1 facilities are known for their world-class coaching team, training tips, and 5 Star Training Program.